Why Body Count Matters
Aside from the obvious unattractiveness of promiscuity, there are also biological consequences too.
‘Casual sex’ is one of the symbols of the disastrous movement known as the ‘Sexual Revolution’, that was given birth to by Sigmund Freud and Wilhelm Reich, as well as with the encouragement of the developing Cultural Marxist movement that gained traction after the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917. Marx’ and Freud’s apostles hijacked the educational system of the Western countries, and subsequently began to program the minds of the youth, turning them away from their Christian roots, which were the cornerstones of Western, and modern, civilisation and ethics. Instead of revealing the dreadful consequences and the correlation between the fall of a civilisation and ‘hookup culture’, professors are encouraging youngsters to experiment and participate in different shades of immoral filth, one of which is casual sex.
Nowadays, sexually pure individuals are getting ridiculed, and their values and attitudes are labelled as “outdated”. Even the minority that claim to understand the correlation between immorality and the cultural abyss, have subconsciously adopted the Marxist philosophy relating to sexual intercourse. Some have done this for their own “benefits”, and others simply due to their own weakness of their characters. The Bible prohibits premarital sex for good reason, which modern “science” is slowly beginning to grasp. In this brief piece, I will introduce you to the deliberately omitted consequences of the premarital license. You will get to know why “body count” actually matters.
1. Telegony
Our ungodly (thus, unscientific) society has turned its back on traditional values, most of which were guarantors of a healthy bloodline. The “politically correct” and Biblically/scientifically incorrect doctrines have overthrown the rule of sanity and reasoning. Better late than never though: Scientists and regular citizens are beginning to catch up and awaken. Recent discoveries have led us to the conclusion that sexual interactions extend far beyond the simple production of offspring. The effects of a Mother’s sexual interactions with non-sires are unprecedented, and have profound effects on the reproductive fitness of an offspring.
We can define “telegony” as:
The influence of a previous mate on offspring borne by a female to another mate, i.e., the appearance of some characteristics of the female’s previous partner in her offspring by another male.
Therefore, the concept of “telegony” posits that a female’s previous partner influences the female’s later offspring by another male.
Experienced horse breeders (e.g., the ‘Penicuik’ experiment by Lord Morton), were the first to acknowledge the existence of telegony. The scientific society responded with skepticism. Many considered telegony as a ‘doubtful phenomenon’, due to a lack of indisputable empirical evidence, and it was deemed incompatible with Mendelian genetics. However, over the past century, we have discovered that the molecular and physiological mechanism that breaks the link between genes and inheritance, and that forms the basis of telegony. These involve:
The penetration of spermatozoa into the somatic tissues of the female genital tract;
The incorporation of the DNA released by spermatozoa into maternal somatic cells - the presence of fetal DNA in maternal blood;
Sperm RNA-mediated non-Mendelian inheritance of epigenetic changes;
Cell-free fetal DNA;
Sperm RNAs.
Telegony may occur either through the infiltration of sperm into the somatic tissues of the female genital tract, or the presence of fetal genes in the Mother’s blood. Sperm penetrates into the mucosa of the uterine and possibly alters the genetic structure, thus affecting the embryo and enduring from one pregnancy to the next. The presence of EVs in uterine fluid (uterosomes), was reported in mice, sheep, and humans, including a wide range of biomolecules such as proteins, and non-coding RNAs.
According to Hamid Reza, Leila Roshanson, and Mohammad Nouri, once the male sperm enters into the female reproductive system, those sperms which do not participate in fertilisation then penetrate into the somatic cells of the uterus, and store their genetic/epigenetic information there. The sperm of the following partner exchanges information with the uterosomes and obtains the proteins and non-coding RNA required for fertilisation and development. Therefore, the male provides the female with a suite of biomolecules in the seminal fluid, affecting the phenotype, fitness, behaviour, fecundity, and health of the offspring. Through the same mechanism, the Mother’s previous partners also determine the formation of a response mechanism to toxicant contact, mental stresses, and diet changes, as sperm is a carrier of ancestral epigenetic memory.
2. Applied Trophology
In 1959, the Standard Process Laboratory of Milwaukee (Wisconsin), published an article entitled “Applied Trophology”. It was marked as “restricted to professional use” (it is unknown as to why they did this. They either restricted it to stop mass public panic, or to keep the masses ignorant). Here is what they said in Vol. 3, No. 8 (August 1959) of ‘Applied Trophology’ (issue of Dr. Royal Lee) newsletter:
This phenomenon, known as “telegony”, was first noted by an English horse breeder who had a mare that had mated with a zebra, and was observed to give birth to colts that all had signs of zebra stripes, even when later mated to purebred stallions. Geneticists have denied this possibility ONLY because they are unacquainted with the possible theory of how it could happen. In pregnancy, the rapid cell division promotes the release of greater than normal quantities of protomorphogenes (the earliest cell form) into the blood from the embryo, and the maternal gonad (ovary) becomes loaded up with embryo blueprints, as it were, which causes subsequent germ cells of that female to be contaminated (adulterated) with blueprints of the Father, for all embryo protomorphogenes are one-half duplicates of all the genes of each parent.
It is obvious that these protomorphogenes circulating in the maternal blood influence tissue repair and reconstruction to a tremendous extent. It is interesting to note that photographs of couples who have raised large families, show a startling resemblance to each other (in Biblical term, they become “one flesh”). It will be obvious that this presence of paternal “blueprints” in the blood of a female who has had a child by one husband and subsequently remarries, the children of the latter marriage will be carrying characteristics of both male mates.
Dr. Royal Lee goes on to say something even more shocking:
The English Darwinian met with only one case in which the offspring of a woman by a second husband, who was a White man, showed the influence of her first husband, who was a Black man. Mr. Herbert Spencer would seem to have been more successful. In ‘The Contemporary Review’ for May 1893, Mr. Spencer gives the result of his own enquiries as to the effect on a White woman’s subsequent progeny of a previous union with a Black man, and he quotes the opinion of a “distinguished correspondent” that information given to him many years ago was to the effect that the children of White women by a White man had been reportedly observed to show traces of African blood, in cases where the woman had a previous connection with a Black.
Mr. Spencer refers also to Professor Marsh as the authority for such a case and to the opinion of several medical professors who assured him, through Dr. W.J. Youmans, that the alleged result is “generally accepted as a fact”. It seems to me, the inexplicable fact is that previous pregnancies had an influence on offspring. This is well-known to breeders of animals. The same influence is observed in the human subject. A woman may have by second husband children who resemble a former husband, and this is particularly well-marked in certain instances by the colour of the hair and eyes.
Candidate of Historical Sciences, Mr. Valery Bochkarev, said this:
If a woman has had lots of sexual contacts with various men before her first childbirth, she then has her chromosome chain absolutely polluted.
Mr. N.V. Khlystko (a Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences) from Oryul (Russia), says that the same ‘phenomenon’ was seen at work in the late 1980s, USSR;
Today, many believe that a woman can do whatever she wants, including changing partners. We’ve been told that chastity is a relic of the past. Youth is recommended to experiment while they are alive. Our ancestors weren’t as naïve. They understood the importance of virginity for the continuation of a healthy and strong bloodline. Societal cruelty towards promiscuous women sprang from the instinct of self-preservation. They knew that woman’s first sexual contact leaves an unerasable imprint for the rest of her life.
Mothers’ sexual affairs have also resulted in the genetic mutation of the chromosome chain - the consequences became visible in subsequent generations. We can say with certainty that if a woman had intimacy with other men before the birth of a child, the child will inherit genetic information from each other (and especially the first mate), even though the conception came from the biological Father. A man imprints genetic information and lays hereditary signs of his kind into the woman’s genetic memory, including any mental disorders, autoimmune illnesses, harmful inclinations, etc. Modern women, who had premarital sexual partners subsequently give birth to delinquents, drug/alcohol addicts, mentally inferior children, and sexual deviates (homosexuals).
In Russia, 20% of babies are born with hereditary genetic disorders. The number of babies born prematurely is increasing while the body weight is steadily declining. The lowest percentage of hereditary genetic disorders is in regions of the Russian Federation, where traditions and religion still heavily influence the culture.
Telegony causes the degradation of nations and countries.
Societies that tolerate promiscuity get erased from the face of the Earth.
3. Microchimerism
Microchimerism is the presence of cells of one individual in another genetically distinct individual. In humans, naturally acquired microchimerism has been observed in many tissues and organs, including the brain. We differentiate between natural and artificial microchimerism: Sexual intercourses are the primary cause of natural microchimerism, and examples of artificial microchimerism are organ-tissue-bone marrow transplantation and blood transfusion.
Microchimerism, Pregnancy, & Abortion:
Scientists performed real-time quantitative PCR (qPCR) tests in the autopsied brains of women. 63% of the females tested positive for harboured male microchimerism in multiple regions of the brain.
During pregnancy, genetic material and cells are bidirectionally exchanged between the fetus and the Mother. Most fetus cells are killed by the Mother’s immune system, however, some of the cells invade the Mother’s cardiovascular system and burrow into the liver, the spleen, the pancreas, the gallbladder, and the brain.
In most cases, abortion does not prevent the exchange of genetic material and cells. Levels of male microchimerism are significantly more frequent, and levels of male cells are higher in women with induced abortion, than in women with other pregnancy histories. Of women who had undergone an induced abortion, 57% carry male DNA, and 22% of women who had a spontaneous abortion carry male DNA. Therefore, male microchimerism is higher in women who had a surgical abortion than in women who had a chemical abortion.
4. Conclusion
Thou shalt not commit adultery, meaning corrupt/worsen in quality. With premarital license (and cheating), come impurity, and thus, weakness and inferiority. I deem the consequences of the modern moral and sexual codex irreversible. Things need to change.
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